Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Visual vs Symbolic Language

Dark, melancholy, bold, tiring, frank, draining, repetition, linear, shadow, forms, currency, numerals, "help wanted", business attire, variety

This image implies the tiresome effects unemployment has on people, which is exhibited in the stance of the symbols of people. The fact that the people shown are all in a sort of transparent, dark gray shadow, displays the idea that the unemployed population can be seen as a large group that may feel ignored. The idea that the people are represented as shadows definitely suggests the concept that they may not feel understood or noticed by the public that is employed. It could also suggest the factor of feeling like a failure in society or like they no longer have an influence in society. The continual line that they are formed in may also propose the feeling of recurrent defeat in the competitive job market. The bold and prominent font of the the word "Unemployment" in all caps doesn't leave much opportunity for the viewer to disregard  the main issue being displayed. For someone who may be visually impaired the image may represent feelings of loneliness, disorientation, neglect, and  lack of progress.

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