Thursday, September 29, 2011

Syntactical Guidelines- Success and Failure

The logo above is a good example of the syntactical guideline, balance, being used correctly. The difference between the contrasting colors, purple and orange, and the fact that they are on the same plane and size, creates a harmonious balance between the words even though they are different amount of letters. The logo provides stability for the viewer and is much easier on the eyes because of this trait. 

The image above is an example of a logo that is poorly designed. There are ore than three fonts used in the one logo which is an example of the syntactical guideline, stress. The fact that there are so many fonts plus the added image to the left, creates a stressful composition and the viewer doesn't know what to concentrate on specifically which causes them to lose interest. Having the watermark to the left of the composition is also an example of sharpening but it was poorly used. Having the watermark to the far left doesn't heighten the quality of the design and actually distracts more from the meaning. 

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