Thursday, October 20, 2011



I first looked at the different shapes and made sure there were the same amount of triangles and circles as the other surrounding bracelets and then saw that there was so I moved on to another tactic. I noticed that there were different shadows on one bracelet than the other two. I would say that I used the “visual induction” technique according to the McKim reading. I inducted that there was a specific shadow that was different than the other two bracelets so I chose he two bracelets to the left as the ones that are identical. I also used “perceptual speed” to match and compare the bracelets to the others and it’s characteristics using pattern recognition. 

My partner used similar tactics. At first she didn't notice the difference in the shadows but then she noticed it. 


I first looked at the cat as a whole and noticed that the entire image was made of different sized triangles and I first counted the most obvious ones. This technique is called “pattern-seeking” because I was looking for a familiar shape; the triangle. Like the McKim reading states, I “found a desired pattern embedded in distracting surroundings.” After counting the more obvious ones I looked at the image closer and noticed on triangle could be counted for another. I counted 19 triangles total.

My partner used the same techniques. She first noticed the more obvious triangles by using the “pattern-seeking” technique. She then looked more closely and noticed there were more triangles. She first found 17 triangles and then counted 19.

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