Thursday, December 8, 2011

Visual Techniques




*I couldn't choose just two so I decided to contrast 3...

These images differ in various ways but mainly in their interpretation. The way they are structured cause the viewer to interpret them differently. The first image is bold and colorful, giving off a completely different expression then say the third image. The first image is very bold and straight-on, where as the second image has a contrast in itself with one side of the layout exhibiting stasis and the other side activeness. 

The second image and the third image differ in the sense that although they are both black and white images, they exhibit differing senses of balance and symmetry. The second image is exaggerated in the sense that the woman on the right side of the page is altered to look like the alphabet. The other side (left) of the image is static and unstable, creating depth in the layout. The third image is completely different in the sense that it is a very much balanced layout, with the two main components of the layout on two opposite sides of the pages, relatively the same size as well, not to mention the same color. 

These differences in visual techniques in these magazine layouts create varying interpretations. The first being an immediate colorful burst impact on the viewer. The second image being an interesting composition to look at due to its contrast of stasis and activeness as well as a depth component. The third image being a very clear and simple interpretation, due to the symmetry and balance. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Good Contrast

The first example of good contrast in design is a well known advertisement for the Apple iPod. The contrast is in the color of the girl listening to the iPod and the color of the background. It's an obvious contrast in color but the simplicity makes the advertisement stand out and is easy to identify.

The second example is of a magazine layout. The contrast in this piece is mainly in color between the black and grays, with the contrast in the title that's in yellow. The tones in the picture of the man is also adding contrast to the composition. 

Bad Contrast

The example above is of a MySpace layout. The contrast in the multiple colors is quite obvious upon the first look but the overload of different shapes and colors strays away from the ability to actually read it and it causes the viewer to lose interest. There is way too much contrast in the types, color, and sizes of the various components of the layout that it isn't successful at all.